Friday, October 12, 2007

Playing the Memories by Ryan L.

Everyone has something of value. Whether you’re rich or poor, there is always something you will value. You might value an object like an ipod, or a fun vacation with your family and friends. I can think of at least two different things that I greatly value and probably always will. One is my guitar, which I play almost every day. One other thing that I value is not something you can buy, a wonderful experience with my family, and some of their friends.


I get home from school and play my guitar. I get lost in the music. To be able to play guitar is not just the ability to play an instrument, it’s a constant battle to be the best you can be. There are no boundaries, the only opponent is you. While I play it, I think about how I came to get it. I received my guitar for Christmas almost three long years ago. I had no idea. I came downstairs, to see a black case with the word Fender on it. I opened the case to find a brand new shining Lake Placid blue Fender Stratocaster. No gift could top it. The estimated value was six hundred dollars. The rest of that glorious Christmas day I only played my new guitar, and I knew that I would never be bored again. My guitar gives me endless possibilities. I will never be able to play every song ever written, so I can always have something to work on. Also, my guitar can assist me in writing my own music, which one day could help me make money.


The day is cold, rainy, and I am miserable. My parents have invited many of their childhood friends and their kids to come to our lake house in New Hampshire. What a drag. I personally don’t want to entertain lots of little kids with their parents watching. I’d rather be swimming and water skiing with my cousins. But nevertheless our family is a dictatorship not a democracy, so my parents’ word is law. The first few guests are beginning to arrive, and with them more food and drinks. I suppose that’s one plus. I introduced myself to a few of the kids, and I already know a few.

We begin to play Guitar hero 2, and I get to know them better. One was on the Holyoke golf team, another loved basketball. They seemed pretty cool. The rain started to let up and we paraded outside to go swimming. The air is cool, so the lake water feels more like a warm spring. I raced a few of the little kids to the raft that is afloat about thirty yards from the shore. We started to play many games including king of the raft, and tip the raft. Thankfully no one is injured. I decide to take some of the kids for a moderately slow boat ride to let them take in the sights of the lake. They enjoy my ride, and we return home. My Dad asks us if we would like to go tubing. I quickly answer, “Yes!” but some of the kids were hesitant. Then I convince them that there is no chance of getting hurt, and that tubing is a blast! I jump into the boat, while the others slowly enter. The engine roars and the first two tubers entered their designated tubes. The boat started to pick up speed. A tsunami of a wave attacked us. “Bang!” The two tubers fly into the air, which leaves one of the two in the raging water. Laughter is prevalent in the front of the boat. It’s gently raining again, so our tubing adventure is cut short. A rainbow appears overhead. It’s the biggest I’ve ever seen. Just then a plane flies overhead through the enormous rainbow, and lands on the water. I think to myself, “This is amazing!”

Nightfall arrives, and I go to the basement to fetch the fireworks. No one knows what I’m doing except my dad and his friend Jim. I set up a few in the front yard, and light the wicks. A fiery explosion is sent into the black sky, and everyone jumps. I laugh, but am cut short from an explosion which hails from across the lake. I think, “They want to challenge us?” My Dad reaches for our 400 shot finale, and the giant fireballs. He lights them. 400 shells and 20 huge fireballs scream into the air with a crash! The adults begin cheering, and the fireworks from across the lake stop. I realize at the beginning of the day, I didn’t know these people, and now I feel like I’ve known them for a very long time. I think to myself, “What a great day this has been.”


Two things I greatly value are my guitar, and the party at my lake house. These two things are very different. They are different because one is an object that I can hold and play, and the other was a day long event that I will never get back. They are similar, because when I play guitar I greatly enjoy my time playing by myself and with others. At the party, I had a wonderful time with other people as well.

Everyone has something they value. I think the things I value most are the things I enjoy. I greatly enjoy playing the guitar because it’s a never ending challenge, and I create fun memories playing it. I love to get lost in the music. I enjoyed the day at the lake because I got to tube, boat, and share new experiences with new people, and I will never forget that

Summers To Computers by John B.

There are things in the world that people just can’t put a price tag on. Other things they just want to get rid of. Something’s may be worth millions to people, while others look at it like its junk. How do we know how much things could be worth to people? Some times people treasure moments more than they treasure their things.


There is one time I went on vacation to two different countries. It was in the summer of 2005. It was my first time going to a new country and going on a plane. We went to France to visit my great aunt on my mom’s side. It was such a neat place to be because; everyone was speaking a different language and things were different. I visited tons of new places. Some of them were the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre. My time in France was a very priceless moment.


When we left France we took Air France which is a French airline. If felt very unsafe to me. The rest of my family didn’t really seem to notice. When we got to Ireland the first thing we did was rent a car. My dad drove us around and the steering wheel was on the left side like a mail truck. Also the lanes were different the left side was the right side and the right side was the left side. We stayed a pretty expensive hotel. It severed three meals a day and had everything there. One famous thing we did there was kiss the Blarney Stone. That was at Blarney Castle. To get the stone they have you walk through the castle and the stair cases are wicked narrow. That was the first thing we did there. The second thing we did was drive to the Cliffs of Moher. There was also a tiny castle at the top. The view was very cool. The sparkling green water would splash against the rocky cliffs. I have never seen any site as beautiful as that before. For the rest of the time there we pretty much just explored and went to stores to buy souvenirs and shirts. When it was time to go and catch our next plane nobody wanted to leave. Everyone wanted to stay in Ireland. Unfortunately we did leave and we took American Air lines back to Boston, Massachusetts. When we got back to the airport the van we took to get there was waiting for us. That was pretty much the end of our great summer trip.


There is one thing at my house that I can not put a price tag on. That would have to be the computer. Everyone now a day must have at least one in their house. People use them for everything. I use mine mainly for school work. Sometimes when I’m bored I might play computer games, but most of the time people will see me typing or researching stuff. I know a lot of people use their computers to instant message, but that’s just one thing I don’t use my computer for. I don’t know why but I just talk to my friends mainly at school. That’s why I would never put a price tag on my computer. My computer is sort of like a friend in a way. It’s always there whenever I need it. Obviously the computer knows everything; it’s like having a walking encyclopedia. Unless of course if I ever get a new computer.


So you see that this is my priceless moment and my priceless object. If something were to ever happen to it I think I’d be very depressed and deeply saddened. My priceless moment is something I’ll never forget. I will always remember that summer of 2005. As you can see everyone does value everything. There are things people can’t put a price tag on and things that they just want to get ride of. Nobody would be able to guess my most valued moment unless I told them. My parents don’t even know how much I value the vacations they take me on. I’m sure they know that I do value my computer because when I get in trouble they ground me off it. So these are the things that I value. How about you?

Straightening up my Values by Emma H.

When there’s always something better, what do you value the most? Which do you enjoy more, the item with the bigger price tag, or the item with the greater meaning? Today people are always focused on the latest trends, hottest clothes, and newest gadgets, but do they pay enough attention to the moments that count?


I wake up to the annoying “beep…beep…beep,” of my alarm clock like a usual school morning. As I roll out of bed I slam down on the off button, and continue on to my morning routine. As I apply my makeup, my eyes wander to the red glow of one of my favorite possessions, my CHI hair straightener. Of course, straight hair is very “in,” and pretty much every girl straightens her hair, so who would I be to be an exception to all those girls?

I can still remember the Christmas I received my hair staightener. I had been asking for one for a couple months, but kept hearing the same answer. “You’ll ruin your beautiful hair!” my mom would constantly tell me. She just didn’t understand how important hair could be. So on Christmas morning when I got my hair straightener, I was pleasantly surprised. I jumped up and down “Thank you! Thank you!” I said to my parents, and quickly went to go straighten my locks.

With up to 400 degrees, it straightens my hair to perfection every time. Made with ceramic plates, and around $100.00, it is used at many professional salons. So with my hottest hair accessory, quite literally, I can feel great about my hair.


“Sit up tall, and stretch down into your heels,” My trainer Joy coached me, and my very first jumper show. “Even though your goal is to get the fastest time,” She told me, “You still need to ride smart.” I entered the arena my stomach like a roller coaster, as the whistle blew, I tightened my calf, and took off at a canter. We approached the first jump, filled with trees and plants, very spooky to a pony, but we managed to make it over the frightening obstacle. We finished the course with a clear round, my face was glowing with pride. Winning 3rd place, I felt that my pony Rhumpy and I made a pretty good team.

Riding is my passion, and most defiantly my forte. Without it, I don’t know what I would do. For me, riding is my relaxation, if I’m riding, then I’m not thinking about anything else. All my worries just float away, and all I focus on is my horse.

I have been riding for at least 5 years, and I’ve been crazy about it ever since. Even though it is quite an expensive sport, it’s mainly where I have those “priceless moments.”

Competing in shows, and riding in general, gives me a rush that nothing else could even compare to.

The 411 on My Values by Brianna T.

If you talk to teenagers about what they value the most, about 99% would say their cell phone. Sadly, I’m one of that 99%. But my cell phone is just my financial item that I value the most. My cell phone doesn’t even come close to my biggest value in life, my family.


Every teenager’s dream is to get a cell phone for when the turn thirteen. Mom’s and dad’s all over hear the same argument over and over again. My parents heard it just days before I became an official teen.

“I need it though ….mom!”

“No, you’re not thirteen yet.”

“But I will be, in a couple days … pleaseee!”

“I said no, that’s just one more thing I will have to pay for.”

“I’ll use it for emergencies only, and to contact you for rides and things like that.” “I won’t go over my minutes I promise”

“Promise is a strong word; you can’t break those you know.”

“Mom I know, I’m not a little kid anymore. You can trust me, please I want a cell phone.”

“You will just have to wait and see.”

And I waited, till June 2nd. The sun was just coming over the horizon, waiting to waken the earth below. Nothing stirred, even I was still sound asleep in my bed, just seconds away from turning thirteen years old. The silence was broken by a loud ringing. I shot up in my bed and tried to find the off switch on my clock, but the ringing didn’t stop. I listened closer to figure out where the annoying sound was coming from. I looked to my right and there it was , my cell phone. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY!” A light switched on and there in front of me, was my loving family.

My cell phone is my financial value because not only can I talk to my friends when ever, but because it is a symbol of my parent’s trust in me.


It was a Thursday night; the night before my big 6th grade poem project was due. Everything was perfect until, my throat became dry and I needed a drink. As I slowly went to put down the cup next to my nearly finished project, the cup slipped, and down it went. A red stain of Ocean Spray Cranberry juice lay before my eyes all over my project. As panic took over me, I could feel my eyes swelling up. I had worked so hard, and now it was ruined! I would never have time to make another one. As my mom was walking into the kitchen, she saw my puffy red eyes trying to hold back tears, and then the stained poster that lay before me on the table. “Oh dear, ” she exclaimed. I burst into tears. ‘”Don’t cry, we can fix it” she said calmly.

“No we can’t,” I cried, “I ruined it and I don’t have time to make another one all by myself.” “I’ll help you,” she said. “Us too.” My dad and sister said as they came into the kitchen. We came together that night, as a family. My project was finished and it came out pretty darn good, if I may say so myself (my teacher thought so too).

My family is my “priceless” value. They mean the world to me, and they always have my back. They are always there to help me up when I am pushed down. They are the most important thing in my life, and I love them with all my heart, and I hope they never forget that.


My two values are very different, but in a weird way, kind of similar.

My cell phone allows me to talk to my friends and contact people who I need to talk to. It gives my a feeling of responsibility. I like that my friends always have my back. And when you stay connected with people you feel like you belong.

My family cares and loves for me dearly. They always have my back, and make me feel like I belong. I have a sense of responsibility towards my family and they have responsibility for me. There will always be a special place in my heart for them, and a place in theirs for me.

I value both things a lot, but if I had to choose between having a cell phone to call my friends, or having a loving family who is always there for you no matter what, I would pick my family. A phone is just an object that will come and go. My family is a part of my life forever.

House Of Golf by Brian R.

On the tee box on the 3rd hole par three, I tee up my ball low. Taking a couple practice swings, I step up to the ball and concentrate. With a sand wedge, I hit the ball a mere five feet past the cup and watch it spin back toward me. Looking on with anticipation, the ball drops into the hole and I instantly feel extremely happy. I didn’t know whether to jump for joy or just sit there soaking it all up as the people I was playing with congratulated me with “nice shot”, or “that was sick”.

I have only been golfing 2 years, but I have improved a lot. I used to shoot not so good, but lately, I have been shooting a couple over par. I play on the South Hadley golf team as a freshman and that has been really fun so far. We play teams from all over and get to travel to different courses across western Massachusetts. Golf is such a relaxing game and it keeps me calm when I am stressed out. I have just started to play it and enjoy it, but I know that I will play even when I get older and retire. I have played at courses all over the place including Ledges, Orchards, St. Annes, Agawam, Longmeadow, East Mountain, East Longmeadow, West Springfield, Minnachaug, and Pittsfield, among others.

My grandpa and dad were the ones who got me into playing golf. I’m happy that they did, because I play everyday and love it. All of the kids on the golf team are insanely good at golf. They usually shoot under par, evenly par, or a couple over. Playing with them is fun because they help me get better and they encourage me to play better. As a team, our record so far is 10-2, having lost both matches to East Longmeadow. Overall, I believe that golf is a memorable game that I will play all my life. The feeling I get after making a hole in one is indescribable but is the best feeling in the world. I love golf, especially when I play very good.

I wake up on a Sunday morning, get up, and walk downstairs. Lying down on the coach, I put on the TV and search around the channels. A half an hour later, I go into the kitchen for a nice breakfast of pancakes, eggs, and bacon with orange juice. After breakfast, I fun upstairs to take a shower and clean my room out afterwards. Throughout the morning, I see my family that consists of my mom, dad, and sister.

The item that I would say is the most financially valued to me would be my house. I have lived at this house in South Hadley for about 13 years, almost my whole life. I live near the commons and the Orchards golf course, which is perfect because I can play there all the time. The neighborhood I live in is pretty quiet mostly, which is fine with me. There aren’t many kids that live around me. My house is light blue and has about 10 rooms total. My house is always warm in the cold winters and cool in the hot summers. I love how it is always comfortable and cozy and is perfect for the time of year and weather outside.

Whenever I am tired or exhausted, I can lie down on the coach with a nice cold or hot drink and watch some TV or a movie. Also, when I am extremely bored or have nothing to do, I will go upstairs to my room and play videogames, especially Madden. There is many other things to do at my house. I have a basketball hoop, and a decent sized front and back yards. In my backyard, I have an above-ground pool and a deck. In the summer, we eat out on the deck, and my dad barbecues on the grill back there. Overall, I love where my house is located, what we have there, and what I can do in my house.

Even though playing golf and my house are completely different topics, they are related in one way. My house and the game of golf both make me feel at home. Obviously when I am at my house, I feel at home because it is my legitimate home. But, when I step onto the golf course, I also feel at home. Even though I haven’t been playing the sport that long, I have grown a kind of love toward the game. Every day that I go golfing makes me like it even more, and the better scores I put up, I have more confidence in myself as a golfer and a person.

Sports Perfection by Matt C.

A lot of things are valued in society and some of them should be. An ipod is advertised a lot but it’s really a useful item. You can listen to music wherever you are. Then there are the other things that people value but really have no value. Like that split second where a soccer ball crosses the goal line. Those things are often overlooked and it takes some thought to decide what you really value. Those moments that can't be taken away and produce the best memories.


I pass it to Joe and he turns to his right and is on the way to a breakaway when he gets tripped from behind. The ref blows the whistle and calls a free kick from a few feet outside the box. As one the team turns their heads to the coach to see who he will call to take it. "Matt, you take it," he yells. "Let’s go Matt," my teammates whisper as they walk by "You got this one." I step up and place the ball on the spot of the trip. I scan the field looking for holes and teammates. Everyone's covered so I decide to shoot. As it comes off my foot it feels right and I stand and watch. It glides through the air and slips through the goalie's outstretched fingers. GOALLL! AHHH! I yell in my head. My teammates crowd around giving me high fives and congratulations. I might scream in my head but my face gives away nothing. The other team can't know I'm happy; they've got to think I wasn't surprised that it went in. It feels so good that moment that I score. It’s a mixture of relief and joy. The pressure that you have put on yourself and that your teammates have on you is lifted and just getting a goal makes me happy. It doesn't matter what else has happened in that game, the goal makes everything better. It’s the ultimate accomplishment and there’s nothing like it.


I finish my homework and strap on my cleats. I’m headed over to the field to play with my new lacrosse stick. It has a brine E3 head and a python optra shaft. It has beautiful white mesh with black sidewall strings. I hate to get it dirty but I just can’t resist playing with it. I could spend hours shooting and messing around. The reason it’s so awesome is because of it’s endless possibilities to try tricks. It’s so much fun to try new tricks that I’ve seen and even better to try others that I’ve invented. I’m never bored as long as there’s no snow on the ground. I got my stick in pieces since you have to buy the head, shaft, and mesh separately. I got my head from Dick’s Sporting Goods and got my shaft the same day from another store called Whips. I just got my mesh this past summer from Coach Mayola. In all it costs about 200 dollars. My stick is an extension of my arms and cannot be replaced.


Both things I value have to do with sports because sports are by far the thing that I enjoy most in life. My stick lets me explore the world of creativity and challenges me to break boundaries set by tricksters before me. It might be my most valuable item because a lot of money has gone into it over time and I do examine it from time to time to make sure it hasn't been dented or scratched by opponent’s sticks. My stick also is special in the way that it allows me to play lacrosse, which is my favorite sport. Playing with someone else's stick would almost feel wrong and without it I wouldn't be able to play lacrosse. So my stick is more valuable than just its value in dollars it is also valuable in the way that it entertains me and allows me to play a sport I love.


The moment when I score a goal is valuable to me because it makes me extremely happy. It is also good because in my opinion it is a great accomplishment and I feel proud when it happens. It’s that moment when those hard practices pay off and you feel ready to continue the hard work for that moment of extreme happiness. It’s a way for me to prove that I'm a skilled player and a way for me to gain respect from my teammate and recognition from coaches. When that ball crosses that line it is a great feeling that few players get to savor.


Both my stick and my goal scoring moment are challenging in their own ways. You have never used your stick enough and you never have enough goals so the challenge is always to do more. I believe I like them because I'm never done and there's always room for improvement which is a great lesson in sports and a great lesson in life. I'm not sure which I value more but I am sure that I will continue to enjoy them both and I will keep on playing.

Living in a Material World by Kay T.

People all over the globe are unlike each other in multiple ways. Our idea of value can define who we are. It affects our lifestyle and quite possibly our attitude toward life. Some people value the material things in life, while others value experiences or feelings. Is value something you can’t see? Or is it the amount of money you spend that makes something of value to you?


The lights are dim; I peak around the corner and see a row of harsh faces. My heart is pounding out of my chest. The spotlight is centered on the stage, my heart beats faster. I hear a familiar tune…That’s my cue! I twirl onto the stage. Then it happens. The audience disappears, and it’s just me, the stage and the music. Being here in this moment are all of the reasons why I adore dancing. All of the long, strenuous hours worked on perfecting every little detail was paying off. I hit my triple turn and the audience roar. Sweat trickles down my spine as I finish my ending leap.

I can see the judges’ smile in approval as I exit my safe haven. My dance teacher grabs me and congratulates me on how well I did.

Dance is my passion. I love it to no end. In order to get better I have to extend myself past my comfort zone. When I finally hit my routine it is like an explosion. I just feel right. These are the moments I truly value. I thrive to be the best performer I can be. I can’t put a price on my admiration for dance.


I’m lying down on my couch when Jack Johnson starts blaring from upstairs. That must me Lida! I think to myself as I race up the stairs. I reach out and grab my cell phone. Sure enough it was her.

There is one thing that every teenage girl raves about, her cell phone. A five inch Orange piece of technology that I rely on to keep me in contact with my friends. I must have saved up for at least a year to get the Envy.
With about fifty buttons, most would say it's a pretty awesome phone. On the outside it appears to just be a regular phone, but on the inside is a whole keyboard. This is great for me because I am a terrific texter. I can even go online or play games. My Envy is rockin’.
Whenever I go out my cell phone is always in my clutch. Whether I'm texting my friend or just talking on the phone it does not leave my site.
If my obsession with it isn't enough, my cell phone has really been able to protect me in sticky situations. When I feel uneasy at all about the people I am around, I quickly whip out my cell phone and call someone to come and get me. I just imagine all of the times I’ve had my cell phone. If I didn’t, I wouldn't have been able to call anyone


Both items are of immense value to me. Dance gives me happiness, and the freedom to let loose and be myself. I don't have to worry about anything when I’m dancing. I guess you could say it is my own relaxation method in some form. It also is physically good for me, and keeps me in shape all year round. My dancing has to price, but I value it with everything I have.
My Envy is a completely different story. Drop it or Scratch it, you are dead. It is the most expensive thing that I carry around and I really don't know if I could pay $200 again to repair it.
Even though my phone is worth a lot it also gives me protection. Say someone tried to kid-nap me, or I thought a stranger was acting oddly around me. I whip out my cell phone and call for help. Although cell phones can be bad in many ways, they are great objects in other ways.


Now we bring ourselves back to that question. Is value something material or is it feelings and experiences? I believe that neither answer is wrong. I do believe people are getting obsessed with valuing material things over abstract things in our society. I personally think that abstract values are better in many ways. Material things will fade but abstract things are always in your mind or soul. Both Dance and my cell phone give me some sort of security. If it’s knowing I can contact someone when I need to, or being in my own element on the stage or in the studio, I can say one thing about dance that I can't say about my cell phone. Even though I say" I could never live without my cell phone", reality is I could. I am passionate about dance, and that feeling is something I value more then anything.

From No-Hitter to Skim Board by Derek H.

In today’s world everyone is obsessed with material possessions. They forget about what is really important. They forget about those priceless moments in their lives that are important, but they don’t even realize it. They would rather have the newest clothes and video games.

It is the Fourth of July and my family and I are on our way to the fireworks at the middle school. When we get there my dad buys some raffle tickets. We had never won anything like a raffle before, but we all really wanted first prize. It was four tickets to three Red Sox games all against the Yankees and autographed baseballs.

Right before the fireworks started they announce the winners of the raffle. We didn’t get first prize, but we had much better luck than usual. We ended up with third prize which was four tickets to one Red Sox game at Fenway Park against the Orioles. These tickets turned out to be much better than first prize which was one by a friend of mine.

It is finally September first, the day of our Red Sox game. I’m sitting in section thirty, row five, seat nine. I have had better seats, but I wasn’t complaining because these weren’t bad and they were free. They were also the only thing we had ever won on a raffle so I am happy with them.

After a very short game it gets to the ninth inning very fast. As the Orioles come off the field I’m thinking about how good Clay Buchholz has pitched so far tonight. When he walks onto the field to pitch for the ninth inning 37,000 people give him a standing ovation. The Red Sox get two quick outs and that was when Nick Markakis came up to bat for the Orioles. The first pitch is thrown for strike one and I clap and yell as I feel the whole park shake. Again on strike two I feel the park vibrating under my feet. Then he throws a curveball for strike three and it felt like all of Fenway Park was going to come down. The whole team rushed onto the field and crowded around him.

I am on my way to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. I have been there a lot and it is one of my favorite places I have ever been. This was probably the fifth time I have gone. We stop at a huge shopping center on the way called South of the Border. My parents buy me a skim board because they got my brother a boogey board.

I used it a couple of times during the week on vacation. After I fell a lot I gave up because I didn’t want to embarrass myself even though I probably already did. I would use my brothers boogey board and he would use my skim board. I decided I would stick to body surfing which was something I wouldn’t embarrass myself doing.

Now the only place I use it is at Mitches Marina when I go on my friends boat. After fishing for a very long time we decided to go skim boarding. I fell off almost every time I tried, but I had fun anyway. After all of that embarrassment we finally went to eat.

Then we did things that I couldn’t embarrass myself at. We went tubing and did even more fishing. I almost got thrown off the tube every five seconds because my friends dad drives crazy. Somehow only one of my other friends fell off. Next we went cat fishing which was way more fun than normal fishing. You can just put your pole down and watch it, so you can do anything while cat fishing.

Not a lot of people get to see no-hitters, but a lot of people have skim boards. These things are both very important to me. Even though my skim board only cost twenty dollars, I will probably never sell it even for more than twenty. I couldn’t sell a no-hitter if I wanted to. The ticket stubs are worth a lot of money, but my dad is having them framed and put up on the wall next to our pool table.

I have some great memories with my skim board. The Buchholz no-hitter I saw is only a memory, but a very good one that I will never forget. This is why these things are so important to me as an athlete and as a Red Sox fan.

Bop Along to the Beat by Kaitlyn B.

I find now in life, that I’m discovering what means most to me. Since we’re getting older and wiser, we are all finding out what we are more dependent over than other things. One thing I do know is that the value of everything I cherish differs. For example, my computer is much more valuable than my tart burner, but way less in value than my family. Some things you could put a price on while others will remain priceless.


I had an awful day. With loads of assigned homework, a bad test grade, spilling my lunch on me, and not to mention it was a bijillion degrees hot out, my Friday was not going as planned. As soon as I got home, I rushed upstairs and straight to my room, and I slammed the door behind me. Then I leaped up onto my bed and let out an enormous sigh. On the bridge of tears, I quickly grabbed my ipod and turned on my favorite song.

Suddenly, my problems began to dissolve away. I finally felt great. It was just me and no one else in this private get away paradise with not a worry or a care. Songs have a funny effect on me. My day could be going on dreadfully, and just hearing a good song makes my day.

My ipod nano is snowflake white on one side, and a gleaming mirror on the other. Its small and slender size is very convenient, making it attainable for me to bring anywhere. It’s like having your own personal DJ traveling with you wherever you go, play whatever song you wish, whenever you want to hear it.


The lights turn off and that’s my long awaiting cue. I run on stage, half ecstatic and half nervous, but ready to “show off”. The curtains lift up, the headlights blare like sunbeams, and the music starts up. Then I dance my heart and soul out.

I put all my energy in it, and I don’t give up. I occasionally look down at my feet to make sure they’re doing what I tell them to do and not being clumsy, but I love looking into the crowd, and I can’t help but smile. It’s like presenting a year long school project, but you’ve worked mentally and physically on it, for a chunk of your life with your best friends, who have the same interest as you do in making this the best dance combo yet.

I don’t know if it’s the pulsating music, the cheering crowd, the astonishing routine, or just being up there with friends that makes me love this. Its like I can’t resist to dance to the beat, I just can’t help it. It’s a passion truly worth dieing for.


I value my ipod and dancing for different and yet similar reasons. My ipod nano gives me a sweet escape to be alone and worry free. It’s like my ticket to a tropical get away. I got it as a birthday present from my parents about a year ago. It was two-hundred dollars then, but with newer ipods out like the ipod video nano, its value has probably decreased on the market. But I wouldn’t trade it for a new one.

My ipod also keeps me updated on loads of things. It has my reminders of upcoming events in it, pictures of me and my friends, and only the latest and greatest music. Its almost like I rely or depend on it, but it’s not like I’m obsessed to the point of vulnerability without it.

Dancing is a way that I can express my feelings and emotions without being mean in any way or form. When the music comes on, I find it easy to just bop along to the beat. Dancing is also a motivation for me. When I see dancers that are performing better than me and have mind-blowing routines, I want to be as good as them or learn that certain routine. It’s like a goal to constantly be striving for. Dancing takes hard work and patience just like school, but its like a year long project that you are devoted to.

Both my ipod and dancing let me be myself without caring or feeling stupid. The routines and music let me express who I am, music emotionally and dancing both mentally and physically. This might sound stupid, but when I hear or do these things, it’s like an emotion I can’t describe. Almost like I couldn’t be any happier or more free. I guess this is just a priceless outcome out of my two items that I don’t think I could live without.

Values of a Teenage Girl by Casey O.

I don’t think that society realizes how much the U.S. has been sucked into the advertising world. Many people fall into the state of mind that you’re not anybody unless you own certain things. Diamonds are glamorous, but the amount of “bling” you have does not make you more of a person, then a person with no “bling” at all. Valuing something is your own opinion, but when opinions are set, trends will soon follow. Sure, everyone follows a trend, it’s just human nature. But, if you have nothing that you believe in by yourself, you’re just another person standing in the crowd.


As I sit in the car with my Grammy, who finally allowed me to sit in the front seat, I look back on all the times that I’ve had with her. I have come to realize, as I’ve grown up, that this women driving next to me is one of the strongest people I will ever meet. She gives the best advice anyone could ever give me, comes from a long life full of experience, and hates not one single soul on this planet. She lives to see her family smile, and crumbles when they are nothing but happy. She is generous and heartwarming, the written definition of what a Grandma should be. The amount of love I have for her, I can’t even explain. There is one moment though that always comes to my mind when I think about my Grammy. There is one certain time I will always hold on to, and never let go of, even after she is long gone.


With my hands hidden inside my purse I have yet to think about if the teachers have caught on yet. No, I haven’t been “talked to”, but they give me the eyes every now and then. I am secretly texting away to my friends. Some on the other side of the school, some just a class away, some not in school at all. I have mastered the art of texting without looking at the small 2 inch screen in which the letters appear on. In my hands is something so small, but worth so much more. Yes, it actually isn’t worth that much. I will admit my cell phone isn’t the Rolls Royce of the cell phones, but it gets the job done. I have come to realize though, that without my cell phone, it’s as though I’ve lost my big toe.


I was sitting in the car with my mom, and she told me we were going to my Grammy’s house. I wasn’t really all that thrilled, seeing I was just coming from soccer and all I really wanted to do was go home and shower, but I acted as though I was okay with it. My Mom and I hadn’t really been “nice” to each other lately, and were getting into catty fights over the littlest things, but none of that really mattered I had guessed once we had gotten in the car together. Stepping into my Grammy’s house you always remember one thing, “DON’T LET THE CATS OUT”. I’ve heard it since I was 1, and still hear it to this day. But something was different about this visit to my Grammy, something was in the air.


My cell phone has died, and I don’t know what to do. It’s the middle of F Block and I don’t’ know how I’m going to make it through G Block. I guess I should have charged it up last night. Whatever, just one more block and then I am home free. All of the sudden an announcement goes over the loud speaker telling us to evacuate the building. My F Block grabs all of their stuff and we head for the door. Happens to be that we have to leave school, and me with no cell phone is left to scavenge around just to call my dad. Not only is a cell phone good as a social thing, but it is also good in case of an emergency. I think that is why I’ve had one since I was in 6th grade.


That night my Grammy gave me all the advice I could ever ask from her. She told me how I should respect my mother, and not to fight back with her. She told me basically everything she knew about how a daughter should act towards her mother. I left my Grammy’s house crying, but not because I was upset. I was crying because I felt bad that not only did I make my mother feel terrible, I had my Grammy disappointed in the way I acted. That is the moment I will never forget. That is one moment I will hold onto, due to the fact that not only was she disappointed but she also was loving and caring, and still gave the best advice that she could ever give.

Sometimes, in life we loose track of the things we value most. Whether it be your Grammy’s good advice, or your precious cell phone that you use constantly use behind teachers backs. You need to remember where your values come from and what they mean in the long run. Some values are priceless that you can’t even put a dollar amount on, while others may just cost a few dollar signs. Everyone’s in titled to their own opinion on how they value things, but you shouldn’t loose track of the greater things in life.

Tradition-Relaxation-Value by Anna K.

Living in a society that’s so focused on what they wear and the things they have.

It’s hard to separate yourself from that and think about what’s really important. Real value is something that you can’t buy, it’s a constant idea that you can always rely on. It’s something that can never be taken away, you can’t loose it or sell it, and it’s always there. Do we overlook this concept? Is it something that never crosses our mind, until its right in front of us?


I wake up on Christmas Eve and smell the brilliant vapors of my moms cooking. I go downstairs to scope out the situation. I was helping my mom and grandmother in the kitchen when I hear a car coming up the driveway. My cousins, aunt, and uncle have arrived from New York City; my aunt usually gets me clothes from old navy. I appreciate that she thinks of me. My cousins and me unpacked the presents from the truck and placed them under the Christmas tree. My cousin tells me all about her friends and school.

When my mom and grandmother finish cooking, we sit down at the table and get ready to eat. Before we eat we say the traditional prayer. We join hands give thanks to all the things that we have. During dinner we all talk about the latest events that have occurred. We talked about school, work, and life in general. Being surrounded by family makes me feel at peace with my environment.

When dinner is over we all gather around the Christmas tree and were all ready to open presents. A tradition in our family is we open all of our presents on Christmas Eve, and we usually stay up late seeing what we have gotten. I find it special that we can get together on such holidays. Whenever our family needs help, no matter how big or small, we’re always there.


I feel tired and bored with no homework to do, so I take out my mp3 player and begin to fall into a world of song. Costing around $100, it keeps me calm and serene. As it turns on the sound that I am so used to comes over me like a gentle wave on the shoreline. I sit on my bed with my headphones securely on and sing along to the songs.

The songs become part of me and after a while I don’t even have to think about what I’m saying or singing it just comes to me. All I think about is the music, the artist, and the lyrics. When I’m in a peaceful place I actually think about what the artist is trying to say in his/her song. I want to know more about the song, if it really happened to the artist or if they had nothing better to talk about. But, when the headphones come off I relocate back. I’ve left that world behind and my journey had comes to an end.


I value my family gatherings and my mp3 player in different ways. My mp3 player sends me into a world where only I and my music exist. I can think, feel, and act as I want without any ridicule. But, during gatherings with family I feel at ease in another way. I love being around family. Whether it’s a Christmas Eve dinner or any other event. There’s nothing like the feeling I get when I’m around family nothing could replace it. However they are similar because I value them both. They help me get over a stressful day or week.

I think that the main difference between something you buy and something priceless is that I could live without financial things but I couldn’t live without my family. When something priceless to me it can not be replaced and it’s something that I can always fall back on. Whenever I feel stressed or have a bad day I just think about when I’ll see my family again. Family is very important to me. When you buy something and it gets lost, all you really feel is rage, but if you were to loose you family, you’d loose a part of yourself.

The Perfect Balance by Morgan P.

There comes a time in everyone’s life when you have to take a step back, and watch. Whether you want to or not, you have to begin making decisions on your own. You have to take responsibility; responsibility for your actions, your self, and the people around you. You have to be mindful of everything you are doing, and of those that you are influencing. Everyone takes this step back at different times. When you do, it helps to know and understand what is important in life. You have to think, “What do I value?”


The wind is in my face, blowing my hair back, away from my eyes. I can see everything; the girl dribbling the ball towards me, and my teammate making a run up the field. I can hear the people on the sideline cheering, and my coaches yelling. I charge. I lunge towards the ball, and the person dribbling it, just like I’ve done a million times before. But this time was different. A searing pain ran from my knee to the rest of my body. I froze out of pain and fear. I went down. I hated getting hurt. I always felt weird crying, and then not being able to go back in. This time was different. I could feel it.

I was on the sidelines now, and my knee was about three times the size that it should have been. I wasn’t going to be able to go back in this game.

I had made it. A whole week without playing soccer... I thought I was going to die! But I was still alive, and now I could play again. I couldn’t wait for practice that night. I was running around and my knee was fine. Thank goodness. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I had to wait a whole other week.

Then it happened. I tried a cut move with my left foot, and a sharp pain shot through my whole right leg. I almost fell, but I fought through it. Probably not the best thing that I could’ve done, but I wasn’t going to take the chance of being out another week. That was torture. And I was fine. Sure, my knee hurt almost non-stop, but it wasn’t hurting that badly.

However about year later, I was at soccer tryouts. The double sessions were really doing in my knee. It was hurting more than ever now and I didn’t know how much more of this I could take. Then, it happened again. The same horrible pain that shot through my leg the last year came back, and I collapsed when my knee gave out. I was out of tryouts for the rest of the day, and had a hard time walking.

My mother took me to the doctors. After some x-rays and exercises, he said that I had patella misalignment. I later found out that that meant that the muscle on one side of my thigh was stronger than the one on the outside of my thigh, which makes my knee cap move back and forth when I’m running, and causes tension on my patella tendon. The doctors gave me a knee brace to wear when I’m playing soccer, and it helps a lot. My knee doesn’t hurt at all when I’m just walking, and it only hurts a little when I’m running. If it weren’t for my knee brace, I wouldn’t be able to play soccer.


Here in South Hadley, a winter wonderland is every child’s dream. While in every other aspect of life I am a “young adult,” here, I qualify as a child.

Every winter, I look forward to the first snow of the year. I love running outside at the earliest possible moment. I make snow forts with my siblings, and have a never ending snow ball fight. We make snow angels, and snow houses, and have tons and tons of fun. After we eat lunch, we walk down the street to the high school and sled down the hill there for hours at a time. When we finally get home, its dark out and we are frozen. We quickly change out of our wet clothes and into the warm ones that my mom just took out of the dryer.

My dad turns on the fire place and a good family movie. Then we sit on the couch, and carefully sip our hot chocolate. It’s so yummy. The creamy, chocolaty goodness with fluff sits happily in my stomach. This is what I live for.

If there’s a time when the four children in my family EVER get along, this is it. This feeling is amazing. You know the one where everything seems okay? Where everything seems to make sense? It’s the feeling where for, even just a second, you’re calm. The world just stops for a second. There is peace, everybody is happy, and the inside of you is all warm and fuzzy. I wish that I could feel like this all the time. But all good things come to an end. And this time does too. That’s why, on the rare occasions that I get this time, I cherish it very much.


My values, the things that are important to me, are my knee brace, and snowy days. While on the surface, these things may seem extremely different, deep down, they relate. My knee brace allows me to play soccer. Both soccer and snowy days by the fire help me to express myself.

So, in this crucial time, you need to know what it is that you value. When you know that, you will discover who it is that you are aspiring to be, whether it is a soccer star, or someone with a chaotic life, where calmness is a rarity. You will become a better person. And you will like yourself better because of it. So go discover your values, and find that perfect balance, of physical and priceless values.

Plug It, Play It, Burn It, Rip It by Lindsey H.

Nowadays, every material good has some sort of value. You can’t get anything for free. You also, however, have things that are of no value – they are priceless. What I mean by priceless isn't that it was cheap or you got it for free. Instead, it’s something that you have inside of yourself – for example, a memory, something that you enjoy doing, or a ritual. These are things that are important to you and you could never place a price upon them.


The second that I get home I run up the stairs and shake the mouse of my computer to make the black screen turn into a background containing Cinamoroll, one of my favorite Sanrio animations. I first double click the icon containing a yellow, running man – AOL Instant Messenger. The second it finishes loading, I get a message from one of my friends asking me what is up.

Every day I go through this ritual – it’s nothing new. My computer is a way for me to connect with my friends after school and travel across the world with just the click of the mouse. There is so much you can do on a computer – create, connect, or just relax by playing a game.

I believe that I value my computer so much because I was the one who had to pay for it, so I appreciate it a lot more. I worked very hard by being a waitress on the weekends to earn the money to pay the bill off, so it means a lot more to me than it would if I was just given the computer.

When I purchased my computer I had to make sure it was one of the best in the store. I wanted to buy the one with the most memory on it and the fastest hard drive. It even acts as a television! I wanted a computer with this many assets so that I would be able to compact many different things into one small, space-saving machine. I have so many different programs that I needed a computer with that much memory, and I’m happy that I bought the one I did even though I spent so much money on it.


My friends and I sit down and adjust the video camera so that we are all in the frame. One of them starts the music and I press the record button. We sing along to the music, dance, and act completely random until I press the stop button. I then upload the video to my computer, and double click the Window’s Movie Maker icon – the place where all the magic happens. I edit the video by speeding up the sound so that we sound like chipmunks, and add some color and lighting effects, and we’re done.

I absolutely love making videos with my friends. Whether we are making our “chipmunk” videos (as we like to call them), telling a story, or just rambling about nonsense, it is always a lot of fun. I usually only make these videos with my friends and that's why they are so special – they save all of our special memories.

Making videos is definitely one of my favorite things to do. It gives me something to do when I’m bored, and also when I want to capture moments with my friends. Any day is a great day to make a video!


I truly value both my computer and making videos. In a way, both of these things connect. Without my computer I wouldn’t be able to make my videos because they have to be uploaded to the computer for me to be able to see them. I value my computer because it constantly saves me from boredom, helps me to do my homework, and also is a way to connect with my friends. I value making videos for similar reasons. Making videos also saves me from boredom, and helps me to connect with my friends, but in addition to that I really enjoy making my videos because it helps to capture all the special memories I have with my friends. Both of these things are great, and I’m glad that I have each of them.

Grandparents and Archos by Nate J.

Does value even exist, or is it just an estimation of what we think an object is worth? Sometimes, valuable things can be something like a lucky penny, or a smooth, nice looking rock that can be the cheapest and smallest thing in the world, but the person that owns it, it can be the most important thing in there life. Some people might not think that, and not even care, but that person that does not care probably has something just like that, that they think is valuable. People have different kinds of values.


There are so many things I can do with my Archos 404. The first thing you can do with this is you can listen to music. The way this is programmed is of how organized it is. It can organize every song by the song name, the genre name, the band name, and even the year it was created. This is important to me because it can hold everything on my computer, and is also a backup drive for my computer and school work. It can also hold and show pictures. You can create slideshows on it and have thousands and thousands of photos. I always download my pictures onto it so I can always look at it and show people. The screen is bright, and has a 3.5 inch color HD screen. Each pixel can eject 16 million colors. This leads to what it can record.

You can buy a DVR for it which records all of the shows you want it to record. This means that you can also take the PMP (Personal Media Player) anywhere you want to go. The Archos also has a microphone that can record as long as you would want it. Also, it has an external speaker so you can listen to music, or watch shows without headphones, so you don’t have to scream for forgetting your headphones. This is how you can entertain yourself with two younger brothers in the same car. This entertains everybody. I especially loved it when I was on the plane ride, and it always soothed my ears if there was a baby screaming in the back ground.


Since my grandparents live in Poland, I don’t get to see them that often. When I get to see them, we see them in between a week to one month. No matter what time, no matter what day or kind of weather it is, I am always happy to see them. The bad thing about it is when I leave, I feel terrible. We usually stay at my grandparent’s house for about one week to one month. The last time I went to my grandparent’s house was from May to June. I wish I could go to my grandparent’s house any time I wanted, because I love it there. It doesn’t have that much technology, as much as we Americans would have, but the atmosphere, the smell is always so intoxicating there.

We always do fires when we go there. We started a fire at least 3 times there, and every single time was fun. I wouldn’t want to do any thing else during summer but to spend time with my family. Joy overcomes me when I go there, and every single time, it would have the same reaction.

Both financially and priceless value of my Archos, and how priceless grandparents really bring joy to my life, even thought the joy of my grandparents can never end, while the Archos, if that dies, I can always buy a new one or get it replaced with a warrantee. Warrantees on grandparents don’t even exist, and you can never be able to replace them. It is a sad, but true idea. The Archos give me happiness and keeps me entertained while I am going or staying somewhere, while spending time with family is a one time shot. You only have one life to spend with your family, and it should count.


In the end, you should not estimate ones value, as it could be the most precious thing in the world to that person, and you should respect that. These are my precious things, even though my PMP player is valuable to many people including myself, it has a lot of sentimental value to it too. My grandparents are something I would always cherish, and wish I always had. Well, some things are more valuable to others, but really, what is the value of anything?

From Books to Band by Libby M.

This world is entirely made up of things; things of low value, things of high value, but there are things that are so valuable there can be no price put on them. How do we know what something is worth? How do we know if it is priceless? Or is value just another abstract concept?


Reading is one of my favorite things to do. I love being able to open a piece of literature and travel into someone else’s life, world, and situation. Every night before I go to sleep, I pick up a book and read until I get too tired to understand the words passing before my eyes.

Books have turned some of my worst days into some of my favorite days. I travel into someone else’s mind and see that their problems are worse than mine. I travel with my new friend as I help solve their problem, simultaneously calming and soothing myself. After reading a good book I can fix my own troubles with a sounder mindset and softer outlook.

I remember when I was younger my family didn’t have much. I would go to the library and live in a place where I wasn’t always hungry and my clothes were in better shape. People who don’t read are missing so much. For the first several years of my life books were the only way I could get everything I needed like friends and happiness. The release I got from living someone else’s life kept me from giving up when we lived in such hard times.


The football game the night before had been all right but this was what we had been working for. All the practices, all the running, everything we had done was just for this one day. You maybe thinking we’re on a sports team. I suppose you’re right, but not the way you were thinking. We are the South Hadley TigerPride Marching Band.

It was November 4, 2006. It was USSBA Championship Marching Band Finals. We’d had a great season, but it all came down to this. The six-hour bus ride down to Allentown, PA had been boring but most of us either slept or practiced our music.

I was in the pit percussion ensemble and was pushing my vibraphone down the sidelines of the massive J. Burney Crum Football Stadium. I could see Ryan and Billy Ray with the marimbas ahead of me and could hear Rose with the auxiliary cart behind me. Mr. Wardwell was with the winds and battery and I almost envied them but was too nervous about my own show. Imagine a normal football field. Then, behind it, erect a 4 story seating area. On top of that put concession stands and fill it all up with people. You would probably be nervous, too.

The group before us finished their show and Iris tapped off the cadence. That song always filled me up with pride. It was our song and they played it with absolute perfection. The band stepped off and the pit crew rushed to help us set up our equipment on the field. Jake stepped on to the podium and…

We quickly put everything back onto carts and pushed everything off the field. We marched back to our King Ward bus and changed out of our uniforms. I glumly trudged back to the stands to watch the bands after us. We were going to be there awhile.

Finally, it was time for the awards. Jake and Maggie stepped up to the sideline with Kayla and we roared. We were proud of our performance and were ready for what ever we got. First, they gave out honorary mentions.

“These are the groups that were too bad to place,” Lindsey leaned over and muttered into my ear. There was an audible sigh. We made it through. Next they called out 8 places. Of the 8 groups they were about the call, 3 started with “south” and 6 started with an “s.” Picture it, a group of about 40 high school students and 2 middle school students as tense as they could get, jumping every time the announcer said a word that started with an “s” sound.

“In second place with best percussion and a score of 90.875… South Hadley TigerPride Marching Band!” We don’t even know who won 1st. All you could hear were our screams, cries, and catcalls.


I can sell my books. I could never ever trade the feelings I felt when they announced our band to the stadium, though. That doesn’t mean they can’t be priceless. But, when was the last time you saw a competition memory for sale? I value that more then you could know. I feel like I belong when I open a book or look back on that experience or others I have had with the band.

There are lots of things of value out there. There are plenty of things that are so valuable they are priceless. We all have things we love and cherish that can be sold. You can’t sell a memory but don’t even try to tell me that our past is worthless. Everything has a value. You just have to find what is valuable to you.

Moments to Remember by Jessica M.

What is it that makes humans worry more about what Britney Spear’s did last week, or what the coolest new accessory is then worrying about the poverty of a thousand children, or the death of our own soldiers? No one knows why, but every American does at one point. We all get caught up in celebrities, our own popularity, and what other people think of us to even worry about others in need. We don’t mean to, but we do. Everyone’s values in life are very different. How we measure that, is the mystery.


I wake up from a slight touch of a little hand. I slowly turn over to see my little brother’s face sadly look back at me. I can see the fright in his big blue eyes. I grab him from his little waist, and gently pick him up onto my lap. I wrap my arms around him and tell him everything will be alright .I start to see his eyelids start to get heavier and heavier until finally he falls fast asleep. I carefully stand up, and gently pick him up off my bed. I wrap my fingers around the door and slowly open it so it doesn’t squeak. I walk across the hall into Thomas’s bedroom and place him into his crib. I stare into his eyes, still fast asleep, thinking of how much I love him. He slightly opens his eyes as if saying,

“I love you” himself.

Every weekend I go over to my dad’s house, and I get to see my little brother Thomas. He is pretty much the reason I go to my dad’s house, since I don’t have the best relationship with my father. Every night Thomas sneaks out of his crib, me still wondering how he does that, and opens my door. He never sleeps through the night for some reason. He walks over to my bed, and grabs my hand, knowing I’ll comfort him. I stay with him until he’s fast asleep in my arms.

Thomas and I are the best of friends. The moments I spend with him are the most priceless moments ever. To see him take his first steps, say his first words, or finally be able to climb the swing set all by himself are the moments that stay with me for life. He has made me a more responsible, and over all better person. Without him, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

Every week I look forward to the days I get to spend with my little brother. He is the reason for my strength through all my problems in life. Whether it’s with school, or my family, I can just think of him, and it puts a smile on my face. These nights make me think of how much I need him, and how much I love him. He will always be my little brother.


I jump on the school bus, and grab my seat in the back with my varsity volleyball team. I pile my backpack, gym bag, and purse on the left side of the seat ready to go. When I hear the rumble of the starting bus, my stomach fills with butterflies. I start to worry about the game, and how I’m going to do. “Will I mess up?” runs through my head a million miles per hour. I quickly grab my purse, and rip out my I-Pod. I turn it on and flip through my songs until I find the perfect one. I lean back and turn the volume all the way up ready to disappear into the music.

Before every game I get really nervous, so I turn to my I-Pod. I usually listen to a song with loud beats that motivates me, and pumps me up for the game. Some songs inspire me to try as hard as I can, and do the best that I can. Music inspires me to do different things every day.

When I listen to a song I can get lost in the lyrics and beat of the music. Music is a way to express myself, get energized for a game, or just relax alone. I have a blue I-pod Nano with a capacity of one thousand songs, which is plenty to hold all my different varieties of music and all my favorites. It is the perfect size too. Not to big, but not small enough for me to lose it. I value my I-Pod greatly, and wouldn’t know what to do without it by my side everyday, 24/7.


I value my time with my little brother and my I-Pod in different ways. Of course my time with my little brother is more important then a materialistic object, but I love my I-Pod as well. When I’m with my brother I feel happy and a sense of family and love. My I-Pod lets me express myself, and feel free and relaxed whenever I want. Both items are very important in my life, but in different priority.

Whether I’m comforting my little brother, Thomas, or listening to my new favorite song to get pumped for my next volleyball match, I cherish each moment with both. Some of my values in life are financial, and some what you call “priceless”, each different in there own way. There’s nothing better then laying in your bed listening to a great song, or teaching your brother how to swing for the first time. Every moment with them, to me, is,” priceless”.

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