There are things in the world that people just can’t put a price tag on. Other things they just want to get rid of. Something’s may be worth millions to people, while others look at it like its junk. How do we know how much things could be worth to people? Some times people treasure moments more than they treasure their things.
There is one time I went on vacation to two different countries. It was in the summer of 2005. It was my first time going to a new country and going on a plane. We went to France to visit my great aunt on my mom’s side. It was such a neat place to be because; everyone was speaking a different language and things were different. I visited tons of new places. Some of them were the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre. My time in France was a very priceless moment.
When we left France we took Air France which is a French airline. If felt very unsafe to me. The rest of my family didn’t really seem to notice. When we got to Ireland the first thing we did was rent a car. My dad drove us around and the steering wheel was on the left side like a mail truck. Also the lanes were different the left side was the right side and the right side was the left side. We stayed a pretty expensive hotel. It severed three meals a day and had everything there. One famous thing we did there was kiss the Blarney Stone. That was at Blarney Castle. To get the stone they have you walk through the castle and the stair cases are wicked narrow. That was the first thing we did there. The second thing we did was drive to the Cliffs of Moher. There was also a tiny castle at the top. The view was very cool. The sparkling green water would splash against the rocky cliffs. I have never seen any site as beautiful as that before. For the rest of the time there we pretty much just explored and went to stores to buy souvenirs and shirts. When it was time to go and catch our next plane nobody wanted to leave. Everyone wanted to stay in Ireland. Unfortunately we did leave and we took American Air lines back to Boston, Massachusetts. When we got back to the airport the van we took to get there was waiting for us. That was pretty much the end of our great summer trip.
There is one thing at my house that I can not put a price tag on. That would have to be the computer. Everyone now a day must have at least one in their house. People use them for everything. I use mine mainly for school work. Sometimes when I’m bored I might play computer games, but most of the time people will see me typing or researching stuff. I know a lot of people use their computers to instant message, but that’s just one thing I don’t use my computer for. I don’t know why but I just talk to my friends mainly at school. That’s why I would never put a price tag on my computer. My computer is sort of like a friend in a way. It’s always there whenever I need it. Obviously the computer knows everything; it’s like having a walking encyclopedia. Unless of course if I ever get a new computer.
So you see that this is my priceless moment and my priceless object. If something were to ever happen to it I think I’d be very depressed and deeply saddened. My priceless moment is something I’ll never forget. I will always remember that summer of 2005. As you can see everyone does value everything. There are things people can’t put a price tag on and things that they just want to get ride of. Nobody would be able to guess my most valued moment unless I told them. My parents don’t even know how much I value the vacations they take me on. I’m sure they know that I do value my computer because when I get in trouble they ground me off it. So these are the things that I value. How about you?
nice essay. I thought that it was great that you were able to go to France and Ireland all in one summer. I would have used more descriptive adjectives to decribe the sights you saw in those countries. I thought that was the most interesting part of your essay.
I would have said why you get in trouble on the computer. I also use my computer for school work.
In your paragraph
Really good essay. Like Ryan said, I think its cool that you got to see both France and Ireland in one summer. But, your whole paper was pieced together great. I liked your introduction a lot and you really pulled me into the essay. It was good how you said what you visited and what you enjoyed. Overall, it was a pretty good essay.
I am happy to see that you value your summer trips! Hawaii and Japan here we come!!!
Actually, your paper was fabulous! I love the parts about France and Ireland--very descriptive! Keep up the GREAT work!! :)
Yes John great essay, I thought it was very nice and descriptive, told me alot about places I have never seen yet. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this. Yes definately keep up the great work!!
I enjoyed reading your essay very much. You are very fortunate to have seen such wonderful places in the world at such a young age.
I also want to congratulate you for making High Honors! You have a bright future ahead of you. Keep up the good work.
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