Great poem Matthew, I like your description all in three short little sentences. I think the theme is about how people need to look at things around them, and appreciate nature.
Dear Matt, I agree with "anonymous", that this poem was amazing and absolutely wonderful.Your poem is short but sweet. Well I guess it's short because it's a haiku, but whatever. It really made me feel like I was chilling down at the beach on a hot, summer day. The obvious theme of this poem is the beach. I would be stupid if I didn't know that. I believe that the speaker is some one just laying on the beach, and there attitude towards it is very laid back. I can immediatly picture the beach when I read this poem.
Hey mattty pooooo. I loved you haikuuuu. That kinda rhymed if you take the time cuz I spit hot fire all the time. hahaha. I liked you haiku though because it showed up garrets haiku about the beach and queer seagulls I hunt with my bow and arrow mouse, trap cheese, and occasionaly I slice of wheat bread. But that is a story for another time. Great poem I even counted the syllables and you got it right for once. Mine is still better but I think you did a swell job. Great job homie G t4uG L1F3. Good theme too.
“Man lowers his head and lunges into civilization, forgetting the days of his infancy when he sought truth in a snowflake or a stick. Man forgets the wisdom of the child.”
- Jack Kerouac (1922 - 1969)
Amazing. Absolutely wonderful
Great poem Matthew,
I like your description all in three short little sentences. I think the theme is about how people need to look at things around them, and appreciate nature.
Dear Matt,
I agree with "anonymous", that this poem was amazing and absolutely wonderful.Your poem is short but sweet. Well I guess it's short because it's a haiku, but whatever. It really made me feel like I was chilling down at the beach on a hot, summer day. The obvious theme of this poem is the beach. I would be stupid if I didn't know that. I believe that the speaker is some one just laying on the beach, and there attitude towards it is very laid back. I can immediatly picture the beach when I read this poem.
Hey mattty pooooo. I loved you haikuuuu. That kinda rhymed if you take the time cuz I spit hot fire all the time. hahaha. I liked you haiku though because it showed up garrets haiku about the beach and queer seagulls I hunt with my bow and arrow mouse, trap cheese, and occasionaly I slice of wheat bread. But that is a story for another time. Great poem I even counted the syllables and you got it right for once. Mine is still better but I think you did a swell job. Great job homie G t4uG L1F3. Good theme too.
Conor Fentons was better but I think yours was ok.
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